Parking is possible at the castle.
Travelling from abroad
Let us know when you are coming so that we could organize quality socializing before (or after) the big event. The most convenient is to fly to the Schiphol Airport (Amsterdam). It is also possible to fly to Eindhoven Airport, but it would take 2-2.5 hours to travel to Almere/Baarn. Travelling by public transport is possible with the OV-chipkaart (train, tram, bus, metro):
Find your way
Public transportation
Getting around in the Netherlands is very easy. Google Maps is very reliable with road navigation as well as public transportation.
Here are also some other useful links:
- Travelling by train
- You can buy train tickets at the station from big yellow vending machines
- 9292 For all public transportation
- For the rest of the transportation you will need an OV-Chipkaart (Public transportation card). You can find it at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport and Amsterdam Centraal Station or tourist information centers.
- Uber works but public transportation is comfortable and reliable enough. It is not preferable and expensive in the Netherlands.
From Eindhoven Airport (👉🏻 Get Directions)
From Amsterdam Airport (👉🏻 Get Directions)
Should you wish you find accommodation near us in Almere, here are some of the suggestions in Almere city center (close to different stores and cafes):
Our home address: Sprietzeil 65, 1319EB, Almere.